Dominoes - Pim
Dominoes - Pim Vriens
Ever since I was young, setting up dominoes has been a big passion of me! Thousands of colourful pieces of plastic can create the most challenging and unique pieces of art. Inspired by the Dutch television show ‘Domino Day’ (most Dutch students will remember), I built small projects together with my brother. In 2014 I joined the Dutch Domino Team, a Dutch group of domino enthusiasts from all over the Netherlands. Each year we try to break our record, aiming to topple over 600.000 dominoes this summer!
Together with 2 other people, we are managing the group. In total, approximately 25 builders will participate this year, to work out 3 different fairy tales. Even builders from France, Germany, Belgium and Israel will participate. Managing a big international group like this is challenging, but also lots of fun. Besides domino builders, we are most of all a group of friends!
Every builder has their own tasks within the team. They say ‘Teamwork makes the dream work’, but it’s actually true! We have programmers, woodworkers and people that only join for the actual building. I’m responsible for all communication, that implies social media and contact with news media. Almost all Dutch news platforms wrote about the Dutch Domino Team, this is something I’m really proud of!
As I mentioned, this year we are planning to set up over 600.000 dominoes. If you want to keep updated about our progress, follow us on Facebook and Instagram. #shamelessselfpromotion The ultimate goal? Breaking the 1 million domino limit! Maybe one day we will…
These passion posts were all personally written by Communiqué members who wanted to share their passions, hobbies and talents. Do you have a passion that you would like to write about? Send an e-mail to and we'll walk you through the details!