Board Sign-up

Heyy, welcome to the board interest page!

How lovely to see you are interested in doing a board year.

We would love to hear from you about why you would like to become a board member, what motivates you, and which function would be the most interesting to you! To help you a bit in your application process, we are giving you a short guideline of things that we would like to know from you :)  These include some questions and themes we are interested in and would like to read in your motivational letter. Speaking about the letter - it does not necessarily HAVE TO be a letter! It can just be a fun text that really tells us who you are, you can decorate it or even make a presentation about yourself. If you have the time to, for example, even shoot a video application, we would also be very happy to see that! As long as it becomes clear why you would like to do a board year, there are no rules!

Please send your form to

Here are some guidelines to help you get started :)

  • Why do you want to become board?

  • What characteristics do you have that will make you a good board member?

  • Why are you interested in board life?

  • What is your personal goal in doing a board year?

  • What can be an obstacle or pitfall during your board experience?

  • Would you like to be a full-time or part-time board member?

  • How much time a week do you expect to spend on board-related activities? With this comes also the question of how you expect to spend this time.

  • What function do you want to fulfill? - Please rank the functions according to your interest with a short explanation:

    • Chair

    • Secretary

    • Treasurer

    • Internal Affairs

    • External Affairs

    • Educational Affairs

  • Are there any more questions you would like to ask the board or is there anything you are still wondering about?


What can you expect after applying?

After applications close, we will plan a meeting with you to discuss your application. This is also nothing too formal, you will just have a meeting with the two board members who are fulfilling the function(s) you are most interested in. We will discuss a bit about your application and ask you some further questions as well as give you a more detailed idea of what the candidate period will look like! :)

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